Construction of cogeneration plant for Heat Only Boilers “Ovcha Kupel”

Procurement ref:


Country: Bulgaria

Business sector: Nuclear safety

Project number: 17149

Funding source: KIDSF

Contract type: Project goods, works and services

Notice type: Invitation for tenders

Issue date: 14 June 2017

Closing date: 30 August 2017

at 14:00 local time


This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( ) on 20 January 2017.

Toplofikacia Sofia EAD, the Employer, intends using grant funds from Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF) and own funds towards the cost of the Project: Upgrade and Modernization of Sofia District Heating Production and Distribution System.

The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following contract to be implemented under the Project:

Construction of cogeneration plant for Heat Only Boilers “Ovcha Kupel”: supply and installation of new cogeneration installation with three gas-piston engines with total electric and thermal capacity of about 20 MW (up to 10 MWel electrical and up to 10 MWth thermal capacity), including design, delivery of plant and equipment, installation, testing, commissioning of all equipment and training.

To be qualified for the award of contract, tenderers must satisfy the qualification requirements set forth in the Tender Documents.

Procurement for the contract to be financed with the proceeds of the KIDSF grant and Employer’s own funds will be carried out in accordance with EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules and will be open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the KIDSF grant will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities and for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law of official regulation of the Employer’s country.


Tender documents may be obtained from the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of EUR 200 (VAT excluded):

by bank transfer to the following bank account:



1680 SOFIA

54, Gotse Delchev Blv.


IBAN: BG57SOMB91301411253301



in cash in its equivalent in BGN at the pay office of Toplofikacia Sofia EAD.


Upon request, the documents will be promptly despatched by courier, but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery. If requested the documents can also be dispatched electronically after the presentation by the prospective tenderer of appropriate evidence of payment of the non-refundable fee. In the event of discrepancy between electronic and hard copies of the documents, the hard copy shall prevail.


All tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security of EUR 270,000 (two hundred and seventy thousand euro) or its equivalent in a convertible currency.


Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before 30 August 2017 at 14:00 p.m. (local time), at which time they will be opened in the presence of the tenderers’ representatives who wish to attend.


Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:


Mr. Vassil Petrov

Toplofikacia Sofia EAD

Room 218

23, Jastrebetz Str.

1680 Sofia Bulgaria

Tel.: +359 2 903 3118

Fax: +359 2 859 9124

